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iCAD PowerLook Density Assessment

PowerLook® Density Assessment
The world’s first multi-vendor deep learning algorithm for standardizing breast density assessments using synthesized 2D images1

Simplify and standardize breast density reporting and stratification with PowerLook® Density Assessment. The latest generation of our advanced software offers improved accuracy, providing clinicians with reliable and replicable results.2 Using mammographic images, PowerLook Density Assessment analyzes the woman’s breast anatomy and categorizes her breast density within the appropriate BI-RADS® 5th edition density category.

This innovative solution automates the process of breast density reporting and empowers clinicians to further personalize breast cancer screening recommendations for patients.

The Power of Deep Learning
PowerLook Density Assessment software is the ideal choice for those seeking to accurately automate density assessment and harmonize the patient experience.

The algorithm analyzes synthetic images generated from 3D mammography for dispersion and texture of breast tissue, delivering clinicians unique and patient-specific breast density assessments.

It identifies the patient’s anatomy, segments the breast, then measures adipose and fibroglandular tissue and its dispersion to determine the density category in alignment with BI-RADS® 5th Edition lexicon.

Breast Density Matters

Breast density is one of the strongest and most prevalent breast cancer risk factors,4 as breast density increases, the risk of developing breast cancer increases.5

Approximately 50% of all women age 40 and older have dense breasts.6

Studies show wide variation [6-85%] in visual assessment agreement, and radiologists may even disagree with their own assessment year to year.3

Currently, 38 U.S. states require some form of density reporting and the FDA has proposed requiring breast density reporting to both patients and referring health providers.7

Visit this link for the latest updates on national dense breast legislation, and visit this link to see the full list of states where dense breast legislation has been passed.

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